Make Color Selection Fast & Easy Whether you need an exact color match or help choosing a color for your customer, a Glidden® Paint Rep can help save you valuable time.

Color Support

Factory Tinting

When you need to match a previous paint job or a client's color choice, your Glidden Paint Rep or an associate at The Home Depot can help you get the appropriate Glidden product in exactly the color you need through convenient factory tinting.

Previews® Color Service

To help you and your clients make more confident color selections, take advantage of our Previews® Color Service. Simply submit pictures and descriptions of the project to your Glidden Paint Rep, and he or she can recommend coordinated color schemes. You'll even get a preview of the finished job, which can help you win new clients and better ensure their satisfaction with the finished product.

Online Color Selection Tools

Whether the job calls for a color like Antique White or something bolder, you and your clients can experiment with as many Glidden Paint colors as you want for free with our virtual Room Painter, so your clients can feel confident in the results even before the job is done. If your clients would like to try different colors on their own, have them show you what they like by sending you a copy of what they create.